AutoMed 3200

It introduces products developed by technical power of Ace Medical.

  • With the AutoMed 3200®, the medical staff and patient can easily control the infusion amount of medication
  • While infusing, users can also easily change the delivery volume, bolus volume, lockout time
  • Users can check how much medication is delivered by viewing the LCD
  • The LCD will also alert the patient if the AutoMed pump is experiencing any errors
  • There is a safety mechanism when programing the device, so the pump is tamperproof for patient safety


There is a safety mechanism when programing the device, so the pump is tamperproof for patient safety

  • Disposable electronic pump
  • Single screen programming
  • Simple operation
  • Small and lightweight
  • Easy to prime
  • Adaptable and flexible
  • Programmable basal, bolus and lockout settings
Flow rate 0.5 – 10.0 ml/h
Bolus dose 0.5 – 5.0 ml
Lockout time 2.0 – 60 min.
Volume 100,150,275 ml
Description Disposable type, PCA function, LED display
Alarm functions Low battery, Occlusion, End of infusion, System malfunction

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